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Online Therapy in New Jersey

Mind by Design Counseling

Insurance Information

treating your mental health is an

investment in you.


Understanding your individual insurance information along with the cost of private pay therapy can feel confusing & overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help you understand your insurance information, private pay services and Out-of-Network (OON) billing


As licensed and pre-licensed psychotherapists, we are considered an out-of-network provider on most PPO insurance plans. Most clients are able to receive partial reimbursement from their insurance company for the cost of our sessions. Please see below for more information about how to seek reimbursement from your insurance company.

Cost of Services

Kristin Justice, LAC

  • 50 Minute Session: $150
  • 30-45 Minute Session: $135
  • Intake Evaluation: $200

Rebecca Sidoti, LCSW

  • 50 Minute Session: $175
  • 30-45 Minute Session: $150
  • Intake Evaluation: $250

Clinical Interns

Caroline Goodhines

Denise Spivey

Maria Rice

  • Our “Pay What You Can” Program offers clients the option to set their own rate that fits their budget. No minimum.
cost of therapy cost of online therapy private pay therapy OON mental health therapy in new jersey

Why We decided to
Leave Insurance Panels...


  • Your private information is not required to be submitted to your health record
  • Privacy & confidentiality are upheld to the greatest extent
  • Parents of children & teens in therapy do not have to worry about their child’s assessment or diagnosis impacting them negatively=
  • You don’t have to worry that the Medical Information Bureau records your information (yes😳 – that’s real–😳 Member companies are required to submit a coded report of diagnoses & findings which may be “significant to the proposed insured’s health or longevity.”


  • Sliding scales & concierge services may be offered, allowing access to services based on their individual income needs. 
  • Sessions can be unlimited and dictated by the client.
  • Session can follow less traditional schedules, such as bi-weekly therapy
  • Clients are not denied treatment if they need more than one service and can pick and chose which services are best for them
  • Clients who not need to meet a diagnostic criteria to receive treatment. Any challenge, big or small, is treated in private pay therapy.

Choice & Voice

  • Private pay clients decide on the frequency & duration of therapy instead of treatment being dictated by insurance companies. Only you & your therapist decide what you need.
  • You won’t have to worry about changing therapists if your coverage, or therapist’s membership status changes. 
  • Insurance doens’t typically cover tele-therapy, specific diagnoses, and puts a limit on visits
  • Insurance will inform clients of how many sessions they can attend, regardless of the clinical need.
  • therapists and clients decide which treatment works best, where as insurance based practices must work within the covered services, regardless of the clinical need.

Clinical Outcome

  • Many insurance companies provide payment only for certain approaches of therapy (short-term and problem-focused), which may lead to premature termination and transition out of therapy. This is not a treatment barrier when working with a private pay provider
  • Many issues (such as martial problems, life stress, or personal growth) are not covered by insurance. This clinical need is not overlooked with private pay theray.
  • Studies have shown that clients experience more positive outcomes when working with a private pay therapist, and feel more motivated and engaged in therapy.

Insurance Information

Our goal it to decrease stress and anxiety, so we understand that the financial commitment to therapy is something to consider! We provide OON billing for clients who decide to bill their insurance for services. A “Superbill” can be provided to you for potential reimbursement of services. To know if you have to OON benefits, you can call your insurance company and ask about the process of receiving these benefits. 

We understand that this can be confusing and frustrating and we can help talk you through it so that we can help you get the maximum benefits possible. Our clients that use their OON benefits find it very easy to submit the Superbill and get reimbursed (usually around 60-80% per session). Please contact us if you have more questions about accessing coverage, or would like to discuss the cost of services.

Estimated Reimbursement for Clients with OON Insurance

cost of therapy cost of online therapy private pay therapy OON mental health therapy in new jersey

FAQ's about
Therapy at Mind by Design

How do I get started as a new client?

Do you offer traditional talk therapy?

of course! though we have some unconventional therapy approaches, we are rooted in evidenced based practices. Talk therapy is a major player in the therapy room! See What we Treat and Integrative Services for more information

Does my insurance cover my visits?

Uur goal it to decrease stress and anxiety, so we understand that the financial commitment to therapy is something to consider! We provide OON billing for clients who decide to bill their insurance for services. A “Superbill” can be provided to you for potential reimbursement of services. To know if you have to OON benefits, you can call your insurance company and ask about the process of receiving these benefits. 

Our Insurance Page shares a small blurb about Why We Left Insurance Panels

What is the difference between associate therapists & fully licensed therapists?

See our “Affordable Therapy” Page for info on licensing and costs of therapy.

 LAC/LSW are therapists who may practice clinical work under the supervision of a fully licensed therapist.

LPC/LCSW are therapists who have completed the necessary clinical hours post-graduation under supervision and can practice clinical work independently.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask that clients provide at least 24 hours notice in the event that they need to cancel to avoid the 50% cancellation fee. we understand that life happens and do our best to be flexible & reschedule.

What is Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT)?

VRT is an immersive tool that helps clients to explore environments that can not be traditionally explored in therapy. Visit our VR page for more info and to watch our infomercial 

What is VRT used for?

we use VRT to support Exposure Therapy, a long standing traditional therapy modality to treat phobias, anxiety and stress. we send a headset directly to your home so you can access VRT from anywhere.

VRT not only helps with exposure therapy for phobias, but is great for ADHD, mindfulness, PTSD and social anxiety.

How does the process work?

  • Fill out a consult request below or reach out to us directly.
  • our phone number is 609-300-6481, call or text
  • MBD will respond within 24 business hours
  • You will get access to the patient portal to complete the intake paperwork
  • Once the paperwork is submitted and reviewed we confirm your intake appointment
  • Prior to your intake, you will receive a link to access the telehealth session.

Do You Offer Free or Reduced Therapy?

Yes! We offer a sliding scale as well as reduced fee therapy for clients working with out graduate interns. To learn more visit: Reduced Fee Therapy

Meet The Therapists