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Online Therapy in New Jersey

Mind by Design Counseling

Adjusting to Life Transitions & Coping with Change

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Life transitions are significant changes that can alter our personal, professional, or social lives. They can be as joyous as the birth of a child or as challenging as the loss of a job. These transitions, whether expected or unexpected, prompt us to adapt to new roles, responsibilities, and routines, often testing our resilience and adaptability.

What events are considered "Life Transitions"?

Life transitions are any significant change(s) that affects your life in a substantial way. These can be internal shifts, like changing personal beliefs or roles, or external events, such as moving to a new city or starting a new job.

Life transitions can also be non-events, such as the absence of a milestone you expected to reach, like marriage or parenthood.

Coping with Change: A test of Adjustment & Flexibility

Adjusting to change is difficult because it disrupts our established habits and routines, which are comforting and provide a sense of control. Transitions often involve a period of uncertainty and can lead to increased anxiety and stress. They require us to develop new routines and roles, which can be mentally and emotionally taxing. The process of adaptation involves both acknowledging the loss of the familiar and the effort to embrace the new.

Types of Life Transitions

Anticipated Transitions

These are changes you see coming and can often prepare for, like retirement or graduation.

Unanticipated Transitions

These occur without warning, such as sudden job loss or the unexpected death of a loved one.

Non-Event Life Transitions

These are transitions that were expected to happen but did not, like not having children by a certain age or getting a promotion

How do Life Transitions Impact Mental Health?

Life transitions can have profound effects on mental health. They can trigger stress, anxiety, and even depression. However, they also provide opportunities for growth and can lead to improved coping skills, greater self-awareness, and increased resilience.

Benefits of Life Transitions & Change

Despite the challenges, life transitions can be beneficial. They can lead to personal growth, new experiences, and a deeper understanding of oneself. Successfully navigating a transition can also boost self-confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment.



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Skills for Coping with Change

Practice Acceptance:

Accept the reality of the transition and focus on what you can control.

Grieve the Loss:

Allow yourself to mourn the past while gradually adapting to the new.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Understand that transitions take time and that it’s normal to have ups and downs.

Create a Routine:

Establish new routines to provide stability during times of change.

Be Patient with Yourself:

Recognize that adjustment is a process and allow yourself time to find your footing.

Engage in Self-Care:

Prioritize activities that promote well-being, including hobbies, positive social outlets and creativity.

Seek Therapy or Social Support:

Lean on friends, family, or support groups for. If the transition becomes overwhelming, consider professional help to develop coping strategies.: Acknowledge every step forward to maintain motivation and confidence.

Closing Thoughts on Coping with Change and Life Transitions

Remember, it’s normal to find transitions challenging, but with patience, support, and the right approach, you can navigate them effectively. While coping with change can be challenging, these transitions may be an opportunities for growth and self-discovery. With the right strategies and support, you can navigate these changes successfully and emerge stronger.

If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help

FAQ's About Online Therapy
At Mind by Design NJ

How do I get started as a new client?

Do you offer traditional talk therapy?

of course! though we have some unconventional therapy approaches, we are rooted in evidenced based practices. Talk therapy is a major player in the therapy room! See What we Treat and Integrative Services for more information

Does my insurance cover my visits?

Uur goal it to decrease stress and anxiety, so we understand that the financial commitment to therapy is something to consider! We provide OON billing for clients who decide to bill their insurance for services. A “Superbill” can be provided to you for potential reimbursement of services. To know if you have to OON benefits, you can call your insurance company and ask about the process of receiving these benefits. 

Our Insurance Page shares a small blurb about Why We Left Insurance Panels

What is the difference between associate therapists & fully licensed therapists?

See our “Affordable Therapy” Page for info on licensing and costs of therapy.

 LAC/LSW are therapists who may practice clinical work under the supervision of a fully licensed therapist.

LPC/LCSW are therapists who have completed the necessary clinical hours post-graduation under supervision and can practice clinical work independently.

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask that clients provide at least 24 hours notice in the event that they need to cancel to avoid the 50% cancellation fee. we understand that life happens and do our best to be flexible & reschedule.

What is Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT)?

VRT is an immersive tool that helps clients to explore environments that can not be traditionally explored in therapy. Visit our VR page for more info and to watch our infomercial 

What is VRT used for?

we use VRT to support Exposure Therapy, a long standing traditional therapy modality to treat phobias, anxiety and stress. we send a headset directly to your home so you can access VRT from anywhere.

VRT not only helps with exposure therapy for phobias, but is great for ADHD, mindfulness, PTSD and social anxiety.

How does the process work?

  • Fill out a consult request below or reach out to us directly.
  • our phone number is 609-300-6481, call or text
  • MBD will respond within 24 business hours
  • You will get access to the patient portal to complete the intake paperwork
  • Once the paperwork is submitted and reviewed we confirm your intake appointment
  • Prior to your intake, you will receive a link to access the telehealth session.

Do You Offer Free or Reduced Therapy?

Yes! We offer a sliding scale as well as reduced fee therapy for clients working with out graduate interns. To learn more visit: Reduced Fee Therapy