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Online Therapy in New Jersey

Mind by Design Counseling

Polyvagal Theory:
8 Co-Regulation Skills
For Healthy Relationships

By applying the principles of the Polyvagal Theory in co-regulation, we can better navigate the complex challenges commonly experienced in relationships.  It allows us to understand and respond to our emotional states and those of others with greater empathy and effectiveness, fostering deeper connections and aiding in the healing journey.

The Impact of Trauma on Relationships

Understanding Trauma

Trauma can be thought of as a psychological injury that disrupts our autonomic nervous system, the part of us that unconsciously controls bodily functions. This disruption can leave us in a heightened state of alert, making it challenging to relax and connect with others.

Prolonged Impact on Healthy Relationships

The prolonged impact of trauma can ripple through our personal relationships and overall well-being. It can lead to feelings of isolation, difficulty in trusting others, and challenges in maintaining healthy relationships.


Survival Mode

When trauma keeps our autonomic nervous system in constant survival mode, it’s like having an alarm system that’s always on. This state can make it difficult to form safe and secure connections, as we’re perpetually prepared for danger.

The Power of Co-Regulation in Healing

Defining Co-Regulation

Co-regulation is the process by which our interactions with others help regulate our emotional and physiological states. It’s a mutual exchange of comfort, support, and understanding.

Biological Basis for Connection

Our biology is inherently wired for connection. The autonomic nervous system plays a crucial role in co-regulation, helping us attune to others’ emotional states and vice versa.


The Role of Safe Relationships

Safe, supportive relationships can be instrumental in rewiring a nervous system affected by trauma. These relationships provide a foundation for trust and security, allowing for healing and growth.

Building Co-Regulated Relationships

Identifying Co-Regulating Partners

Look for individuals who are empathetic, patient, and understanding. These are people who can sit with you in your emotions without judgment or discomfort.

Creating Safe Spaces

Foster environments where vulnerability is welcomed and respected. This could be a physical space or an emotional one, where open communication and emotional honesty are encouraged.

Practical Exercises for Co-Regulation

Co-regulation is not just a concept; it’s a practice that can be woven into our daily interactions through simple yet powerful exercises. These activities are designed to enhance mutual understanding and support, creating a harmonious rhythm in our relationships. Let’s explore some practical exercises that can foster co-regulation:

Shared Mindfulness

Engage in activities that encourage mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, or even a simple walk in nature. Doing these activities together helps both individuals become present in the moment, fostering a sense of joint focus and tranquility.

Synchronized Breathing

This exercise is a beautiful way to connect non-verbally. Sit face-to-face with a partner and focus on synchronizing your breathing. Inhale and exhale together, finding a shared rhythm. This practice can create a deep sense of connection and calm, aligning your emotional states.

Physical Connection

Simple gestures like holding hands, hugging, or a gentle touch can be incredibly powerful. These actions release oxytocin, often referred to as the ‘love hormone,’ which can create a sense of trust and bonding.

Mutual Support Tasks

Engage in tasks that require teamwork, such as assembling furniture or planning an event. These tasks necessitate communication, problem-solving together, and reliance on each other’s strengths

Quiet Companionship

Sometimes, the most powerful connection comes from simply being together in silence. Sit with each other, sharing the same space without the pressure of conversation. This presence can offer immense comfort and a sense of safety.

Joint Creative Projects

Engaging in creative activities together, like painting, cooking, or gardening, can be a fun way to connect. These activities require cooperation and often lead to a natural flow of communication and mutual support.

Reflective Listening

Engage in conversations where one person speaks while the other listens attentively, then reflects back what they heard. This exercise enhances understanding and empathy, showing that both parties are seen and heard.

Eye Contact Exercise

Maintaining gentle eye contact for a set period can deepen connection and understanding. This exercise, while simple, can be profoundly moving, fostering a sense of closeness and empathy.

Overcoming Challenges in

Addressing Misattunement in Relationships

Misattunement, when two people are not emotionally aligned, is common. Recognize it, communicate openly about it, and work together to find a harmonious balance.

Polyvagal Theory to Navigate Complex Emotions

Managing the complex emotions that arise during co-regulation can be challenging. It’s important to practice self-awareness and patience, understanding that healing is a journey, not a destination.

The Journey to Restoration & Growth

The Path to Well-Being

Co-regulation leads to growth, restoration, and the creation of positive narratives of well-being. It’s a path that rewrites the story of trauma into one of resilience and connection.

Encouraging Personal Reflection

Take a moment to pause and reflect on your own journey with connection, vulnerability and the role of trauma. Trauma, in its many forms, often leaves a hidden imprint on our lives, influencing how we interact with the world and those around us.

Think about the times you’ve faced challenges, the moments of distress, and the instances where you felt overwhelmed. How have these experiences shaped your view of relationships?


Consider the role that your relationships have played in your healing process. Have there been people in your life who provided a sense of safety and understanding when you needed it most? Think about the conversations that sparked a turning point in your healing, or the silent presence of someone that offered comfort without words.


Conversely, reflect on the times when relationships may have added to your struggles. Were there moments where you felt misunderstood, judged, or alone? Understanding these dynamics can be crucial in recognizing patterns and making conscious choices about the people you surround yourself with.


Ask yourself:

Who are the people that have helped me feel heard and understood?
In what ways have my relationships contributed to my sense of safety and well-being?
Are there instances where I felt my trauma was disregarded or misunderstood by others?
How have I changed in the context of my relationships since experiencing trauma?
What qualities do I now value in my relationships that perhaps I didn’t before?

This reflection is not just about understanding the past; it’s about shaping your future. Recognizing the impact of your experiences, beliefs and perceptions will empower you to seek out and nurture connections that are truly healing and supportive.

Final Thoughts on Co-Regulating Skills for Relationships

If you’re dealing with trauma, remember the importance of professional guidance in building co-regulated relationships. You’re not alone on this journey.

Healing through connection and co-regulation is not just a possibility; it’s a pathway that many have walked successfully.

FAQ's About Online Therapy in New Jersey

How do I get started as a new client?

New Clients can reach out to us directly via call, text or email here:




Or, you can complete a new client form and we’ll reach out to you within 24 hours here:

new client contact form request contact

What is your cancellation policy?

We ask that clients provide at least 24 hours notice in the event that they need to cancel to avoid the 50% cancellation fee. we understand that life happens and do our best to be flexible & reschedule.

Does my insurance cover my visits?

We provide”Courtesy Billing” for clients who are using the Out-of-network insurance benefits.

Our Insurance Page shares a small blurb about Why We Left Insurance Panels

Do you offer traditional talk therapy?

of course! though we have some unconventional therapy approaches, we are rooted in evidenced based practices. Talk therapy is a major player in the therapy room! See What we Treat and Integrative Services for more information

Is Online Therapy As Effective As In-Person Therapy?

Online therapy is essentially face-to-face counseling, just conducted remotely. Studies show that teletherapy is as effective as traditional counseling. Professional organizations and state governments recognize its benefits and have set regulations for it. However, like any therapy, its success in achieving your goals isn’t guaranteed. It’s important to discuss with your therapist whether teletherapy is working for you.

Can I Change Therapists If I'm Not Happy?

Yes, you can switch therapists to another provider within the practice, or we can provide you a referral if preferred. We want to ensure that your time and effort are well spent, and that you are getting the relief you need, that’s why we work collaboratively with each other in the practice, as well as outside therapists who we know and trust.

How Do I Know If Therapy Is Helping?

You should feel like you’re making progress. Signs it’s working include:

Feeling comfortable talking to your therapist
Your therapist respects boundaries
You’re moving towards your goals
You feel listened to
You’re doing better in life
Your self-esteem is getting better

Is Online Therapy Easy to Use for Non-Tech-Savvy People?

Yes, it’s pretty simple to access sessions. You’ll need basic internet skills, such as opening and visiting the patient link sent to you via email. It’s similar to video chatting like Facetime or Zoom. We can also walk you through it on the phone the first time to ensure a strong connection

What Questions Should I Ask My New Therapist?

Feel free to ask anything. Some good questions are:

  • How often will we meet?
  • What do you specialize in?
  • What experience do you have with my issue?
  • What outcomes can I expect?
  • How will I know I’m progressing?
  • How long do you usually work with clients?
  • How will we set my treatment goals?

How Should I Prepare for My First Session?

Showing up is all that you need to do! But if you really want to get the most out of session, it could help to take some time to think about what you want from therapy. It helps to write down your goals, questions you have or things that you feel are important to share. 

What is the difference between associate therapists & fully licensed therapists?

Our Qualifications:

Our founder, Rebecca Sidoti, is a highly qualified, state-licensed therapist and supervisor with extensive training in anxiety related disorders and innovative treatment such as Ketamine Therapy. Mind by Design Counseling adheres to standards set by the our governing counseling boards.

To see each providers credentials, training and licenses, visit our “Meet the Therapists” Page to learn more.


  • LAC/LSW are therapists who may practice clinical work under the supervision of a fully licensed therapist.
  • LPC/LCSW are therapists who have completed the necessary clinical hours post-graduation under supervision and can practice clinical work independently.

What Geographic Areas Are Served?

Currently, we serve clients in New Jersey and are expanding to other states as telehealth laws evolve. While telehealth offers the convenience of attending sessions from anywhere, state laws require clients to be in-state during their session.

Is Virtual Counseling Suitable for Everyone?

Online therapy might not be as effective for individuals with chronic suicidal thoughts, severe trauma, significant mental health history, or those recently in intensive care. Such cases often benefit more from traditional, in-person counseling. We’ll help you decide if our online services are right for you during your intake and evaluation.

What Equipment is Needed for Online Therapy?

To join a session, log in using the credentials we provide. No downloads are needed. Our platform, compatible with both individual and group sessions, requires:
A computer or mobile device with a webcam and internet access.
We’ll help you test your setup before your first appointment to ensure a reliable connection. iOS users should use the Safari browser for mobile and tablet sessions.

What Questions Will Therapists Ask Me?

It depends on your goals. Expect questions about your thoughts, feelings, relationships, work, school, and health. They’ll ask to understand your therapy goals.

How Do You Keep Client Information Secure?

Security and Confidentiality of Sessions:
Your privacy is crucial to us. We use TherapyNotes, a HIPAA-compliant platform, ensuring secure and confidential teletherapy sessions. This platform’s security features include encrypted video connections, secure data transfers, and encrypted databases, ensuring your information is safe at all times.

What is VRT used for?

we use VRT to support Exposure Therapy, a long standing traditional therapy modality to treat phobias, anxiety and stress. we send a headset directly to your home so you can access VRT from anywhere.

VRT not only helps with exposure therapy for phobias, but is great for ADHD, mindfulness, PTSD and social anxiety.